Tuesday, 25 August 2009

step two
2. Make a mark towards the top of the head to indicate the hair line. You will know instinctively where it is. If you get it in the wrong place, your own forehead will begin to itch! If you get it right you will have a warm, soft feeling on your own hairline. Then measure from the hairline to the bottom of the chin and divide the face into three equal parts. You will be adding two lines, one for the eyebrows and one for the bottom of the nose. The general proportional rule is that the length of the forehead (hairline to eyebrow) Equals the length from eyebrow to bottom of nose, equals the length from bottom of nose to bottom of chin. Then divide the head in half vertically with a line down the middle of the face and divide the head horizontally with a line halfway from top of head to bottom of chin. The horizontal center line is the eyeline. With your thumbs, press in the eye sockets so that the top of the indent comes to the eyebrow line and the center falls on the eyeline. From the side view, the outside edge of the socket should be set back so that the center can be seen clearly. (Photos 3 & 4).

1 comment:

  1. Muy interesante, espero que te animes a mostrarnos alguna de tus obras, un saludo.
